Madam Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education, Dr Asheri Kilo Vivian, carried out this Monday September 4, 2023, the start of the school year, a visit to certain pilot inclusive public primary schools in the departments of Mfoundi and Nyong and So’o. Question of realizing the effectiveness of the lessons this first day of class. In Yaoundé, the Secretary of State visited the pilot inclusive public primary school of the national rehabilitation center for disabled people in Etoug Ebé, then the Nkolndongo demonstration school, before go to the pilot inclusive public primary school of Ngalan near Mbalmayo, in the department of Nyong and So’o. In the Secretary of State’s suite, the deputy representative of UNICEF in Cameroon, Ms. Juliette Haenni; the inspector general of services; the general inspector of education, the director of nursery and primary education (DEMP); the head of the planning, projects and cooperation division (DPPC); technical advisor number 1; the regional delegate for basic education for the center, others. At each stage, Dr. Asheri Kilo Vivian visited a few classrooms and held working sessions with the heads of the visited schools. She noticed that classes actually started almost everywhere, even if it was timid in some places. She welcomed the commitment of the teachers as well as the enthusiasm of the learners, despite some problems noted here and there. This field visit ended with a debriefing in the MINEDUB conference room.
The Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education, Dr Asheri Kilo Vivian carried out this Monday, September 4th 2023 a visit to certain pilot inclusive public primary schools in the Mfoundi and Nyong and So’o division.