Home Ministers' agenda The Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, has carried out a three-day working visit to the East region as from Wednesday 13rd March 2024.

The Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, has carried out a three-day working visit to the East region as from Wednesday 13rd March 2024.

The Minister of Basic Education, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa, has been
carried a three-day working visit to the East region as from Wednesday 13rd March 2024. On the program for this said three-day, visits of schools and the launch of the 2024 budget of the Ministry of Basic Education. This visit of the head of Basic Education in the region of the sun's rising began on Wednesday in the sub division of Dimako with a visit to the community school center of Tongrelo, a structure constructed by the municipality of Dimako. On the road that led him to Bertoua, Professor Laurent Serge Etoundi Ngoa communicated with the children who came to meet him. At the end of this first day of this working visit, the Minister of Basic Education said he was surprised not only by the welcome given to him and his entourage, but by the enthusiasm also shown by teachers and learners in this part of the country. The minister encouraged everyone to always keep this state of mind for better results. On the program of the Minister of Basic Education this Thursday, the visit of schools and infrastructures of the divisional delegation of Lom and Djerem, as well as the construction site of the regional delegation of the East. The Minister of Basic Education was welcomed in Bamako by the D.O. of Haut nyong and in Bonis at the entrance to Bertoua by the governor of the East Region. The official delegation which accompanies the minister is composed among others, of the General Inspector of Services at MINEDUB, DAJ, DRFM, DEMP, DSEPB, Dir Alpha and CELCOM



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