The Program for the Analysis of Educational Systems of CONFEMEN (PASEC) exists since 1991, it implements evaluations aimed at reporting on the performance of the education systems of the member countries of CONFEMEN, in sub-Saharan Africa in the Middle East, Lebanon and since 2011 in Southeast Asia.

35 national assessments have been carried out in 24 countries which have fueled public debate on education and guided decision-making.
During this period, PASEC also participated in building technical evaluation capacities in the countries and contributed to the development of an evaluation culture in the beneficiary countries.
Since 2012, the program has carried out an in-depth reform of its methodology and its evaluation tools to better meet the needs of countries and meet international scientific standards.
PASEC is based on three pillars:
New methodology and new format for PASEC assessments.
Contribute to the establishment of national evaluation structures and strengthen their technical expertise.
Promote the appropriation and use of results in the development and management of educational policies.The data and analyzes produced by PASEC are made available to the ministries of education of the countries concerned, to the educational community of researchers and to civil society, with the aim of providing a French-speaking contribution to the debate on education and governance of education systems.
Each evaluation cycle takes place over a period of four years and includes a survey preparation phase, a survey phase in schools and a phase for the production and presentation of analysis reports.
In 2013, the program launched its first group evaluation cycle in ten French-speaking countries in sub-Saharan Africa: PASEC2014. The second and sixth years of primary school are assessed simultaneously in reading (in the language of instruction) and in mathematics.
Contextual data is collected from students, teachers and principals, by means of questionnaires, in order to provide explanatory factors used in the analysis of test results.