The Secretary of State to the Minister of Basic Education, Dr. Asheri Kilo Fofung opened on Monday, February 24, 2025 in Mbankomo, a suburb of Yaoundé, the work of the consultation meeting of the heads of central and decentralized services, in preparation for the examinations and competitions of the 2025 session. This meeting is part of a process of harmonization of procedures and practices between the central structure and the decentralized structures and aims, according to Madam Secretary of State, among other things to:
- examine in detail the state of preparations for the next examinations and competitions;
- financial issues related to registration fees and the filing of the Third-DECC;
- the administrative organization and management of the tests;
- the reading and amendment of the draft circular relating to the smooth running of said examinations, without forgetting the analysis of the dysfunctions observed during the previous session, with a view to providing appropriate solutions.
The work will be completed on Friday, February 28, 2025.